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Friday, December 23, 2011

Reasons to Presell

Why you must presell
The most important thing you can do to increase your affiliate commissions is to presell properly.
First, what is preselling? Well, it is an art. And it’s also a science. The goal is to get your reader prepped to make a purchase. Then sending them to the product sales page to make the purchase. And when it’s done correctly, they don’t know it’s happening.
In a nutshell, you provide value. Then send them to the sales page. In just a minute, I’ll explain exactly how to presell. But before we do, you need to know why it’s so important. Some major benefits of this process:
Preselling creates trust – Once you have your readers’ trust, they will click your links more readily. Which obviously means you’ll make more sales.
Preselling is disarming – Nobody likes to be sold something. By not doing that to them, your reader is less defensive. This means they are more open to what you’re saying. So your content get absorbed.
It preps them to buy – Now they trust you and feel open to your message. Being open means, they are open to everything you give them. Like the info on product sales page you’ve linked to. Sending them to the sales page in this state makes them more receptive to the actual pitch.
You make more money – Now your reader arrives at the sales page in a buying mood. With the guard down and trusting your recommendation. This dramatically boosts your sales rate!
Your customers are happier – Your referral now feels like they decided to buy. Versus being pitched or convinced. So they are happier with their purchase.
It boosts your profits – Satisfied customers are less like to refund. And that translates to more commission staying in your affiliate business.
The need to presell is clear. You earn more commissions. And produce happier customers. It’s a win-win-win!
Now, here’s how preselling works:
Now you know whey preselling is critical. So, hopefully you’ve decided to start preselling. You’re ready to learn how to do it properly. Like we talked about before, it’s an art. And it’s a science.
Mastering the art
Effective preselling requires gaining your readers trust in order for them to let down their guard. This can only be accomplished by providing actual value in the information you’re presenting. But you can’t give them so much that they think they have everything they could need, and that’s what makes it an art. The idea is that they want more and the sales page you send them to gives them more. And since they’re more open, they are more likely to make a purchase.
It’s also a science
You also have to include some very specific things.
The first is how you present the information. You’ve got to map out your strategy before you start writing. Your end goal is to make a sale of the product you’re preselling. There are two ways to accomplish this with great content. The first method is to provide enough info to get them started, but not enough to finish. The second way is to provide all the information and let your reader discover how hard it is to actually implement it. Whichever method, you send them to a product website that solves the problem you just created.
Next, you have to use “convert linking” methods. Instead you link directly to the product sales page. When you do this, you’re click-throughs go way up. But how are you going to get credit for the sale, if you don’t include your affiliate link? Well, that’s part of the science of this whole process. You use an image tag to cookie your reader before they leave your site.
You also want to link to the sales page from inside your article’s content. Hyperlinked words are clicked more than anything else. And when the words are in context like this, it makes perfect sense for your reader to click them.
Putting all of this together creates a powerful affiliate marketing formula for success.
OK, here’s the not-so-good news:
It’s extremely difficult to do this correctly. Let’s talk about everything required to put this plan into action: Awesome content. The entire process depends on your being able to provide useful information to your readers. This means you have to be able to write well, and have enough knowledge to be useful. Writing to presell. First, you have to give good information. You also have to present the info in a way that provides real value. And still leave them wanting more. The other approach is to reveal a self-evident problem through the information.
Picking products. After that you have to figure out which products you want to promote. Even if you get the article written. All your efforts are wasted if you send your reader to the wrong sales letter.
Techy stuff. And finally, you need the technical know-how to embed your image tag and make sure you get credit for the sale. This is actually pretty simple – just embed a 1 pixel X 1 pixel image and set your affiliate link as the “source” of the image. (But if you mess it up, your referrals won’t be tracked.)
Wrapping it up:
Now you know what it takes to be a Presell Pro. And doing this increases your affiliate commissions by over 500%! So, start now and develop preselling content for all your affiliate promotions. Take action now. The effort it takes is well worth the benefits…

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