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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Commission Bot ¦ A New Marketing Platform

Hi everyone

Are you ready for a revolutionary new software platform that
is causing a lot of buzz online?

This software is 'actually' worth over
a thousand bucks so you better use this
special discount link today or you may
be too late!

I was impressed.

Vinny B

Friday, December 23, 2011

Reasons to Presell

Why you must presell
The most important thing you can do to increase your affiliate commissions is to presell properly.
First, what is preselling? Well, it is an art. And it’s also a science. The goal is to get your reader prepped to make a purchase. Then sending them to the product sales page to make the purchase. And when it’s done correctly, they don’t know it’s happening.
In a nutshell, you provide value. Then send them to the sales page. In just a minute, I’ll explain exactly how to presell. But before we do, you need to know why it’s so important. Some major benefits of this process:
Preselling creates trust – Once you have your readers’ trust, they will click your links more readily. Which obviously means you’ll make more sales.
Preselling is disarming – Nobody likes to be sold something. By not doing that to them, your reader is less defensive. This means they are more open to what you’re saying. So your content get absorbed.
It preps them to buy – Now they trust you and feel open to your message. Being open means, they are open to everything you give them. Like the info on product sales page you’ve linked to. Sending them to the sales page in this state makes them more receptive to the actual pitch.
You make more money – Now your reader arrives at the sales page in a buying mood. With the guard down and trusting your recommendation. This dramatically boosts your sales rate!
Your customers are happier – Your referral now feels like they decided to buy. Versus being pitched or convinced. So they are happier with their purchase.
It boosts your profits – Satisfied customers are less like to refund. And that translates to more commission staying in your affiliate business.
The need to presell is clear. You earn more commissions. And produce happier customers. It’s a win-win-win!
Now, here’s how preselling works:
Now you know whey preselling is critical. So, hopefully you’ve decided to start preselling. You’re ready to learn how to do it properly. Like we talked about before, it’s an art. And it’s a science.
Mastering the art
Effective preselling requires gaining your readers trust in order for them to let down their guard. This can only be accomplished by providing actual value in the information you’re presenting. But you can’t give them so much that they think they have everything they could need, and that’s what makes it an art. The idea is that they want more and the sales page you send them to gives them more. And since they’re more open, they are more likely to make a purchase.
It’s also a science
You also have to include some very specific things.
The first is how you present the information. You’ve got to map out your strategy before you start writing. Your end goal is to make a sale of the product you’re preselling. There are two ways to accomplish this with great content. The first method is to provide enough info to get them started, but not enough to finish. The second way is to provide all the information and let your reader discover how hard it is to actually implement it. Whichever method, you send them to a product website that solves the problem you just created.
Next, you have to use “convert linking” methods. Instead you link directly to the product sales page. When you do this, you’re click-throughs go way up. But how are you going to get credit for the sale, if you don’t include your affiliate link? Well, that’s part of the science of this whole process. You use an image tag to cookie your reader before they leave your site.
You also want to link to the sales page from inside your article’s content. Hyperlinked words are clicked more than anything else. And when the words are in context like this, it makes perfect sense for your reader to click them.
Putting all of this together creates a powerful affiliate marketing formula for success.
OK, here’s the not-so-good news:
It’s extremely difficult to do this correctly. Let’s talk about everything required to put this plan into action: Awesome content. The entire process depends on your being able to provide useful information to your readers. This means you have to be able to write well, and have enough knowledge to be useful. Writing to presell. First, you have to give good information. You also have to present the info in a way that provides real value. And still leave them wanting more. The other approach is to reveal a self-evident problem through the information.
Picking products. After that you have to figure out which products you want to promote. Even if you get the article written. All your efforts are wasted if you send your reader to the wrong sales letter.
Techy stuff. And finally, you need the technical know-how to embed your image tag and make sure you get credit for the sale. This is actually pretty simple – just embed a 1 pixel X 1 pixel image and set your affiliate link as the “source” of the image. (But if you mess it up, your referrals won’t be tracked.)
Wrapping it up:
Now you know what it takes to be a Presell Pro. And doing this increases your affiliate commissions by over 500%! So, start now and develop preselling content for all your affiliate promotions. Take action now. The effort it takes is well worth the benefits…

A Million Visitors Free

Who doesn’t want over a 1 million visitors free
to the website of their choice?

And this is not just any kind of traffic, it is TARGETED Traffic
which means it is going to make you serious money

What kind of Money? Well that depends on how much
you think you can make from up to 1.4 million targeted visitors

If you have a WEBSITE, then you NEED this
if you don’t have a WEBSITE, then you can send these visitors to the affiliate
link as well

The fact is that if you miss out on these 1.4 million visitors then you
will be regretting this for the next 3 years as this opportunity is passing

See Million Visitors Free Here

That is all, please take my advice and get this

Vinny B

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First – Look for Fanatics | Membership websites

First – Look for Fanatics

If you want your membership business to be profitable, you have to find a marketing with fanatics in it. What’s a fanatic? It’s someone who is so excited about a certain topic that they will spend their time and money on information about it. OK, so we know what a fanatic is, but how do we find them?
  • Look at magazine racks. This is an often overlooked, yet extremely simple way to find niches that people are interested in. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to run a print magazine. So if you see one on the shelves you know they are making money, which means that there are enough people interested in what they’re saying to make it profitable. If they can make money in a print version, you can probably make money with a membership website.
  • Watch and listen for fanatics in your daily life. Pay attention to conversations, social events, TV, restaurants, public places to see what people are talking about. If people are talking about it, they are interested in it. And that may also mean they’re willing to pay money to learn more about it.
  • Conventions, clubs, and organizations. Once again, if there are enough people interested in a topic to create a club or organization, then there are enough people to build a membership business around it. Likewise, if there are enough people to hold a convention, there are definitely enough people to fill your membership website.
  • Think about the things that you are interested in. If you’re interested in something, it’s highly likely others are, too. Making money is fun and it’s even more fun if you can do it in a niche you’re excited about.
  • Another fantastic way to discover what people are interest in is Google Trends. This service shows you the current most popular search terms. These topics are the hottest topics because lots and lots of people want information about them. Hot topics that people are excited about make great niches for your membership website.

Next – Figure out if there’s money in it

OK, so you’ve got a great idea for your niche membership business with lots of fanatics. But will they actually spend money? An easy way to determine this is to figure out if anyone else is making money in this niche.
OK, how do we figure that out?
  • First go to Google and type in the name of your niche followed by “blog” and “forum”. If there are blogs and forums related to it, that’s a good sign. This lets you know there is a market (a group of people actively interested in the niche.)
  • Check Amazon, eBay and Google Shopping to find out if others are making and selling products in your niche. If other people are creating and selling products in this niche, it means there is money to be made.
  • Watch Google Adwords for a period of time and look for ads the run again and again. Adwords ads are expensive, so people only run them repeatedly if they are profitable. And to be profitable, they have to be selling products and making money.

Step 3 – Determine ease of entry

After figuring out a good niche and determining that other people are making money in it, the last thing to do is decide if you will be able to enter the market. How do you gauge the ease of entry?
  • Product types. What kind of products are being sold in the niche? You’re looking for a niche that sells info products. Membership websites based on information are the easiest to start and maintain.
  • The next thing to look at is the competition. You don’t want to try to break into a saturated marketing, so figure out how many people are already selling in this niche.
  • Unless the market is just so big that it doesn’t matter how many competitors there are, you want to limit the competition. So evaluate the size vs. the competition.
  • Market readiness. Are people ready to buy? Are the receptive to marketing messages? Some niches are made up of people who require lots information and have a very long lead time, and some markets are filled with people who will spend lots of money right now.

In Summary

OK, now that you’ve figured out what niche you’re going to go into. Determined there is money to be made and that the competition is not too strong to break into it. You’re ready to start your membership business. If you’ve done your homework, your business will be a success because you already know your market is a profitable one with room for you. Learning how to run a membership website is a topic for another article…

Monday, December 19, 2011

Learn marketing secrets

) Learn Top Affiliate Secrets

One of the easiest and fastest way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. What “affiliate marketing” means is that you just refer visitors to someone else’s website, they handle the sales, support and billing, and you get a percentage of the sale price as your commission, which for digital products can be 50% of more. Here’s just a few benefits

1. You’re able to start right now without having to develop a product, set up a website and sales page, design the website, create marketing materials, or do support, billing and maintenance. 2. There’s no time investment from you because you don’t have to do the customer support or deal with billing or technical issues. 3. Your efforts are risk-free, because the product owner has already done all the research , development and testing. So you already know that the visitors you send will result in commissions for you.

There’s no denying that these benefits make affiliate marketing the best thing going! There is one major drawback…

After all your hard work of generating traffic to the sales page, you will never see any of those visitors again. Unfortunately, the majority of those visitors (at least 90%) will not buy on their first visit. The 10% or less that make a purchase now belong to the product owner. She can sell them additional products, but you can never sell to them again. Is there are way around this?

Simply put, you need to capture the name and email of your visitors *before* sending them to the product sales page. If you do that, you can contact them again and send them back the product website multiple times. This will increase the number of sales you make. And if you’re really on top of your game, you’ll then send to a content mini-site in between.

Here are the benefits of doing affiliate marketing like this:

1. Owning a list of potential buyers gives you the ability to market additional products at the push of a button. 2. You’ll be warming them up by providing valuable information and then casually linking to the product sales page in the context of this information.

Here’s what you’ll need to create affiliate tools like this:

1. A squeeze page, and even better a Video squeeze page. 2. At least a few pages of great content 3. An email series with at least 5 high-quality content emails

The video squeeze page is where you’ll direct your traffic instead of directly to the product sales page. It captures the name and email of your visitors and puts them into your autoresponder, which then begins sending out the 5-part email series. After subscribing them to your email list, it redirects them to your content mini-site.

The content pages provide valuable information for your visitors and make them more receptive to the sales message that you’ll link to from inside the content. And at the same time, the email series begins following up with them to get them back to the sales page, in case they don’t buy on the first visit.

There’s no doubt that it’s worth the effort to put a system like this in place, because doing so will increase your profits by 500% or more. And once it’s set up, it runs automatically – you just send visitors to the squeeze page, instead of the product website.

If you don’t have the time or expertise to set it all up yourself, you can use something like Affiliate Silver Bullet. These kinds of services will build the whole system for you and then just give you a video squeeze page (with video), pre-written emails, content pages, etc. The benefit is that it’s much less expensive then you could do it yourself, and it’s instantly set up. The drawback is that you won’t be the only one using these affiliate tools. But the internet is huge, so this shouldn’t really affect you.

Alternatively, you can use a service like Elance to “outsource” each of these compnents. Whichever way you decided to go, it’s critical to get an affiliate marketing system like this in place, if you’re at all serious about your busin

Friday, December 9, 2011

TedsWoodworking 16,000 Woodworking Plans Review

Get Him Woodworking Design Plans For X-Mass
TedsWoodworking Plans and Projects

Affiliate marketing can even move valuable information for woodworkers to use!

Ever wanted to create woodworking projects easily and quickly?

I just came across a site with over 16,000 downloadable woodworking plans at: TedsWoodworking site.

Here is an honest review of

                         Pros:  If you want to start a woodworking project, you need all the necessary information,

including schematics, blueprints, materials lists, dimensions etc. That is where TedsWoodworking comes in.

The plans are clearly drawn and there're step-by-step explainations of how the plan should be done and put

together.  There are several other sites whose collection of plans have the dimensions totally wrong without

any indication of parts lists, material lists or the tools needed. If you're one of those people who have bought

plans like this in the past, TedsWoodworking will change your perception.  In Ted's Woodworking you will

get everything you need:  -Diagrams which are detailed with a full set of dimensions  -Step -by-step

instructions how to start your project  -The necessary materials for that particular project  -All the

woodworking tools you will need   If you are a beginner or have done some woodworking you will find these

plans easy-to-follow as the instructions are very clearly written. The woodworking plans are straightforward

so they are not complicated at all. Even if you are a total newcomer to woodworking you will simply be able

to master all the techniques that are needed and the woodworking skills very quickly by following the concise

and clear instructions.   Another thing which is so great about these woodworking plans is that there have

been some videos included and there are some to guide you in how to build benches home furniture dog

houses bird feeders sheds and much much more.   There is also a lifetime member acess included in the

package and you get these extras for no cost to you as they are free with no additional charges at all! This

alone is worth the entire price for TedsWoodworking.  Ted Mcgrath is a very dedicated and experienced

woodworker who knows what he is talking about when it comes to woodworking and DIY projects s he has

been a woodworker for many many years.

                              Cons  There is only one drawback that we could find and that being with 16,000

woodworking plans you are bound to get some which look a little disorganized but that is

understandable as it is very difficult to place all these plans into their proper categories. Secondly, it might

take you a little longer to do the downloads on because of the size of them. But the members area include an

option to upgrade to the DVD so you can save time on downloading.   Bottom line: Truth is, I've been a

carpenter for almost 36 years, and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of

dollars.Here's the bottom line: If you are planning to start on your woodworking project, this isn't something

you SHOULD use, it's something that you would be insane not to.

And as the builder and endorser of this products endorsement I'd also like to add a few things here.

I designed and built the hutch to the left here to house a fold out ironing board and love woodworking but no longer have my equipment or the space to do woodworking. As I designed my hutch I had desires to show my plans on a video and market it in woodworking magazines as well but it never came to be.

Today in finding this software I see before me what I would have loved to have taken credit for in woodworking publications.  I see it as an ultimate must have woodworkers tool here and hope you enjoy it.

So with the love I had in working with wood I am fully endorsing this product today.

Look up a project idea for yourself at the bottom of the article here... just add an idea click and enjoy!

Thanks for the visit

Vinny B

Endorsing Pretty Link Pro

When you get a website or already have  a WP Site this can be a free and vaaluable tool for you as a marketing person:
Shrink, track and share any URL on the Internet from your WordPress website. Unlike other link shrinking services like tinyurl, budurl, and, this plugin allows you to create shortlinks coming from your own domain!

Pretty Link Pro is a Plugin for WordPress that will enable you to shrink, cloak, track, organize, share and test all of your links on your own domain and server.

Pretty Link Pro is more than a mere Affiliate Link Cloaker or URL shortener — it will absolutely revolutionize how you approach your business by allowing you to automate repetitive tasks, optimize your site with testing, see the results of your campaigns immediately, virally spread your links and by being able to replicate your sites—including all your Affiliate Links within minutes!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mass Mobile Money

Mass Mobile Money

Mobile phones are not just mere means of communication nowadays. There are mobile phones that also
help in establishing a business that makes more money just by sending text messages. This business
however, is not going to need a lot of things like when you have an online business. Online businesses
require you to take care of traffic on your website. You actually have to make sure that your product is
on the market and may need to spend lots of money on TV and radio commercials. What a mobile
business will need of course is a system that will make sure all previous and current customers are able
to send and receive marketing messages to get this mass mobile money started.

There are three trouble-free steps that will effectively work once you have successfully purchased this
product. First, you will choose the best product to promote, making sure that this product will cater to
different target markets and will benefit the consumer a lot. Second, you will need to download or
purchase the system; log in (which only takes a few seconds), then hit the go button to have your mobile
business up and running. Then the last thing would be, watching your profits grow. If you can dial your
mobile phone or send text messages, you are one huge step closer.

Just like how fast technology progresses, this Mass Mobile Money system will also effectively change
your life for the better. You may think twice and doubt how or if this technology works, but if you will
look at the advantages and the benefits this product can give you, then worries should go out the
window. Plus, there is a 100% money back guarantee if you try the product and it just doesn’t work
out for you.

Once you get this product up and running, you can go plan your wondrous vacation, and just sit back
and relax, as your money continuously grows. And to think it is just with the use of your mobile phone!
You can get Mass Mobile Money at a reasonable price and develop your business on your own time,

Don't wait...take advantage of a market BIGGER than the Internet!

Click here to check out Mass
Mobile Money!

An extremely powerful viral marketing tool

Introducing an extremely powerful viral marketing tool I that I signed up for and just wanted to share it with you.

Just follow the links and if you have anything to sell with a website it beings in greater traffic.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Cost Per Acquisition Advertizing

Cost Per Acquisition Advertising
The term cost per acquisition advertising is an online promotion tactic in which the advertiser only pays for the advertisements each time a conversion occurs. The conversion is generally a sale or a enrollment. Whenever a buyer follows the advertisement and performs one of the results, the advertiser is charged for that action. If the consumer goes away without having done anything, the advertiser pays nothing at all. Cost per acquisition advertising is seen as an extremely economical way to market a service or product.
The marketing organization is taking the bulk of the risk because they are offering a service and just get money if the advertiser makes a purchase. That means the marketing organization must hustle and ensure their advertisements are well placed and create a lot of online traffic and the advertising business does a lot of the advertising for those who operate that technique.
A number of the number one search engines have a cost per acquisition advertising system accessible. They're often the advertisements on the left or right hand side of the website. The location of the advertisement on the site depends upon the level of system the advertiser subscribes to. This can be much less financially harmful to the search engine because they have the webpage anyhow; advertising is a technique to increase profits from it.
The charge for a cost per acquisition advertising campaign is commonly a predetermined fee for a subscription and an established fee or a commission for a product or service purchased. Cost per acquisition advertising is just about the most cost effective approach to marketing that exists for the advertiser. It prevents click fraud and helps prevent the marketer from spending money on lookers and not potential prospects.
Marketing agencies are fairly choosy about the advertisements they admit for publishing. They will look for an entity or a product that has a decent sales history or decent sales capability in addition to a webpage that is maintained well and gets a fair amount of web traffic and a desirable group of buyers. The advertising organization commonly has an established of considerations they will use to decide which ads to accept and which not to.
Advertising agencies may also consider the advertising budget of a webpage before saying yes to an advertisement spot. They need to be assured there's earnings currently available to fund the price prior to any sales happen.

To learn more about a free "no approval required" network that lets you start making money with CPA today, click here now!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A nobile app for you here.

I've been using Blogger and I think you might like it. Check it out from your Android phone:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a web marketing strategy employed by organizations to award an affiliate for each buyer or website visitor brought in by the affiliate's own advertising endeavours and sell someone else’s product or service. The rewards, typically financial, are confined merely by the inventive promoting effort put into the venture. An affiliate marketer is an individual who gets to be a member of the business to help advertise a product or service or deliver buyers to its web based store.

Online marketers kick off promoting initiatives which were created for promotion purposes and often employed in affiliate marketing. Affiliates often produce their own procedure for promotion and if productive, continue to use that technique. The strategies used are generally online however often include non web based tactics. The web based tactics include email marketing, email list building, search engine marketing, display advertising, published critiques of the products, blogs, paid search engine marketing, and article marketing to mention but a few. A number of the non web based tactics applied are mostly print advertising, cold calling, warm marketing and direct mail. Utilizing a combination of procedures permits the affiliate to reach individuals that make use of a computer a lot of the time and those people who are minimal computer users and in some cases those that don't use a computer in any way.

Affiliate marketing, also known as revenue sharing, began in the later 1980’s when the owner of a flower and gift web business started providing commissions on product sales. It sparked a trend in affiliate marketing that is flourishing today.

For those that wish to engage in affiliate marketing, there are a variety of programs available that have an item and an organized program in place. The curious party registers to be an affiliate marketer and then proceeds with a marketing program to promote that product or service or a selection of items. The affiliate earns a certain amount of income for each product they are responsible for selling. Lots of the organized programs include recruiting other people to become affiliate marketers and also advertise the product.

There are many items out there that are available for revenue sharing without a program linked to it. The affiliate is an internet marketer with a webpage and maybe even online store that markets other people's merchandise and earns a commission for each sale. Click Bank has many eBooks readily available for revenue sharing. Each book readily available for revenue sharing has an established selling price and commission.

To learn more about creating free traffic-sucking affiliate pages that gain instant rank in the search engines, click here now!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Affiliate Marketing Software

Affiliate Marketing Software

Affiliate marketing software is the perfect solution to everyone's problems when it comes to keeping track of your income and your earning potential. Affiliate marketing is something that many people get involved with, but few people actually know how to manage it. The use of an affiliate marketing software can not only help you succeed in affiliate marketing, but can help you maximize your profits.

The affiliate marketing software that you choose will help show you which products and affiliate programs that you will be able to maximize your profits with. There are so many affiliate programs available that it can be incredibly difficult to decide which programs are the best programs to get involved with, and which ones will bring in the most money. Some affiliate programs will offer more money per click or a higher percentage per purchase, but the sales that result from that do not tend to be as high, which in turn hurts your profit.

The affiliate marketing software will take away all the guesswork involved with trying to decide which programs or products turn the most profit. They will supply you with reports that will allow you to see which ones have had the greatest amount of return for other people, so that you will be able to sign up for their program.

The affiliate marketing software is specifically built so that instead of signing up for every affiliate program out there which can make your website look jam packed with spam, and can draw attention away from the big money making marketing plans. You will be able to select the top earners, so that you maximize the amount of traffic that flows through these select marketing plans which in turn will earn you a much greater amount of money.

Most affiliate marketing software will not only help you select which specific affiliate programs that you should sign up for or get involved with, but will help you track your income as well. You will be able to see which programs are bringing in the greatest amount of money. Depending on the affiliate marketing software that you decide on, you will be able to receive affiliate marketing training so that you will be able to know how to design your website to help maximize profit. Most affiliate marketing software will allow you to set up everything you need to so that you will be able to maximize your profits. There are many affiliate marketing software programs that are available. It is surprising how much easier it will be to get started and begin making money rather quickly.

To learn more about affiliate marketing software that can put 5 figures a month in your pocket while you lazily do nothing at all, click here!

See Lazy Affiliate Riches here

Monday, November 14, 2011

Mobile TV Elite Software With No More Monthly Payments

Hi Everyone,

There is a new way that you can actually watch Mobile TV on the go or even on demand. This is software that has turned many heads and has saved many people thousands of dollars in monthly cable payments. This software is known as Mobile TV Elite software. What this does is it allows you to watch satellite TV from your phone for only one lifetime fee. With new types of television cable coming out almost every year, you may have a few questions if this can really be a good deal or not.

Well first off; having Mobile TV Elite on your phone can save you a ton of money in the long run. If you got this software you can totally kiss your cable bill goodbye and never have to worry about it coming back again. When you get Mobile TV Elite software you only have to pay once and once only for the rest of your life. You may be thinking well it sounds good so far, but I don't like the fact that it is on my phone.

==>> See Mobile TV Elite Here

To be honest, maybe you don't have a fast phone or your graphics arent to great on it. You can actually buy a cord that can have the ability to hook your phone up to your TV so that you can view whatever you are playing on your computer onto your TV. So, just open up your Mobile TV Elite software and bam, you have Mobile TV Elite transferred onto your real television.

Mobile TV Elite software also comes with a minimum of 1000 channels. Of course there will be a low price but you wont be disappointed in the channels you receive. Especially if you enjoy television a lot.

==>>  See Mobile TV Elite Here

You will be able to watch any show that you like on this software. There are channels like CNN, ESPN, CW, FOX and pretty much everything that is basic plus thousands more. Its exactly like satellite TV that you pay for monthly, but on your computer instead.

If you don't like commercials either, you can kiss them away for good. No more ever having to miss a show of yours again also because you can search for it in the database and pull it up so you can watch it whenever you want to. So, there is a little background information on the Mobile TV Elite software for a phone. Hopefully you will now have a better understanding on what exactly this software has to offer and you can make your decision a little bit better now.

For more information, you can check out:
==>> See Mobile TV Elite Here

To your Cell Phone Viewing Fun here

Vinny B

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mass Profit Sites - A Clickbank Product To Promote

Hi Everyone,

A new one here!


The following is what I found so far:

" The Mass Profit Sites pitch is based on the
principle that even the smallest affiliates could
make money like the “big Boys” if they only had
the minute by minute inside scoop on what the
best Clickbank offer on the planet is to
… And to make them even more powerful, we
give them a piece of software that will produce
an affiliate site for them promoting that most
profitable trending product!
Try to show me one affiliate on the planet that
wouldn’t want to buy a system that gave them
on a silver platter  the best offer to promote this
minute (not tomorrow after all the super
affiliates have already crushed it) and then set
up their affiliate sites for them.
They don’t have to research the marketplace,
chose a niche, design a page…hell they don’t
have to think!!!
All they need to do is put in their clickbank ID
and our software will tap directly into the
Clickbank API and determine what the best
product is to promote that very second across 5
different niches!
We’ve hired a programming team that has built
us a piece of software that can produce affiliate
sites loaded with fresh content (did someone
say TRAFFIC) each and every day!
Not only that, their brand new site will also pull
off pertinent products in the niche from Amazon
and advertise those with your customers affiliate
ID built in!
So, that’s how it works…your list get the inside
scoop on the hottest trending products in
Clickbank AND Amazon, then our software
produces an affiliate page that get constant
fresh content!"

To your marketing success

Vinny B

Max Bounty - CPA Campaigns

MaxBounty - Highest Paying CPA Campaigns

Today I was reviewing for what to market with Max Bounty ( the CPA group I belong to ) and found a good paying program to promote here.

If your interested in marketing with CPA Ads join up with a great company here.


Vinny B

Saturday, November 5, 2011

don't say ONE WORD before…

This is VERY important -

Don't say another WORD on your cell phone without seeing this:

==> Click Here 

This could be the greatest conspiracy of our time, and it affects EVERYONE.

Be quick though - due to the controversial nature of it, they may be forced to take it down soon.

- Vinny B

Friday, October 28, 2011

My Browser Cash | Online Marketing Results Now

My Browser Cash | Online Marketing Results Now

My Browser Cash

Hi Folks

It's been a while since I have seen anything worthwhile to show you and apologize.

I found this as a group invite and joined up with it. It really looked cool.

I hope you find as good enough for yourself here as well.

It read as follows:

"Ready To Start Earning Cash In The Next 3 Minutes?
It's soooo... easy to make money !!!

You don't have to do anything much, just register
and install the software, then continue surfing internet as usual.

You will get paid daily... Join My Browser Cash NOW

----------SEE PROOFS ON " COMMENTS "---------------

I am a happy member for 1 and 1/2 months :

Total Earnings To Date: $ 33.4966 USD
Amount Paid To Date: $ 22.73 USD

Payment proof :

Dear dumitru gavriliu,

You've got cash!

Digital Paper Products, Inc ( just sent you money through AlertPay.
Payment Details

Date: October 02, 2011 11:19:34 AM
Amount Sent: $22.73 USD
Sender Name: Digital Paper Products, Inc
Sender Email:
Reference Number: 1EADA-A6049-FEB7C
Message: MyBrowserCash Commissions Through 9-29-2011

My earnings in October :

Date Earnings
2011-10-01 $0.7906
2011-10-02 $0.4829
2011-10-03 $0.8787
2011-10-04 $0.376
2011-10-05 $0.6255
2011-10-06 $6.3613
2011-10-07 $1.1539

MyBrowserCash is Poised to be the #1 Revenue Sharing program in 2012!

Please accept advice from me : JOIN My Browser Cash NOW !!!!"

To your marketing success

Vinny B

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

Come to Affiliate Marketing Information, online informational products for your marketing success.

Affiliate marketing brings in millions of dollars a year.

Get a mobile app to it as well!

It motivated me to build a website to promote to you what I have found.

Bookmark the site for yourself and return often I'm always adding something new.

Thank you

Vinny B

Friday, October 21, 2011

Just a good free start............... Vinny B

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Affiliate Marketing Info

Come to Affiliate Marketing Information, online informational products for your marketing success.

Affiliate marketing brings in millions of dollars a year.

It motivated me to build a website to promote to you what I have found.

Bookmark the site for yourself and return often I'm always adding something new.

Thank you

Vinny B

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I found a few " Good " programs to promote at Maxbounty a CPA program for making money online.

Give it a try! Click the hypertext Please


Vinny B

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Groupon Income System | How to make money with Groupon

The Groupon Income System: How to Make Money with Groupon The Groupon Income System: You too can Exploit a Multi-Million Dollar Groupon Market Loophole and Generate Big Money Today! Try it today Vinny B

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Old China


If anyone lnows the valie of old Bavaria coffee sets or may want to pirchase... Let me know.

Old china

Does anyone know the value of fifty yr old coffee sets?

Need to know

Hi Everybody,

I have fifty year old china. Anyone know the value?

Coffee sets one is Bovaria.

Vinny B

Thursday, September 15, 2011

E - Fax ¦ CPA Ad Saves Money

Hi Everyone, This is another CPA AD that I am endorsing to everybody now. Save by using this service instead of buying or renting fax machine equipment. If you would like to do CPA marketing sign up with MaxBounty. Once again showing you another possible way to your marketing success. Sincerely Vinny B

Friday, September 9, 2011

Ladies and Gentleman, I have stumbled upon a wonderful free application called Evernote for my new 4G Sprint EVO Telephone today and I am really excited about it. Just gotta tell you about it. I use a site called People String to save the sites i like to go to as i work at my marketing stuff. It has a tool to save the sites i go to and has kpt me going back to it for a very very long time. I am obviously building a web site here for months now and have used People Strings tools to help me out alot. I will probably still continue to use that site to access my stuff from all of my computers in the future because I have stored everything I go to there for a very long time. But today right here I gotta say that I have found a really great place to replace where I save things I need for my marketing. Access whatever you save from anywhere? With a Sprint EVO 4G Phone? ( for example ) Or any desk top? Evernote works with nearly every computer, phone and mobile device out there anywhere. Take down your inspirations and ideas as they happen Capture interesting webpages you see, images and all Snap photos of everything from whiteboards to wine labels Then, find it all any time from your computer, phone, or the web! Save passwords switch pages easily? This tool has it all. See Evernote here. Sincerely Vinny B
Hi everyone, Increase your movie collection. This offer is for a membership to Your Movies powered Columbia House. Surfers who sign-up can receive one free movie. A great way to have movies? see Online Entertainment here Let me know what ya think. Vinny B PS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8TH A quick udpate. "Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement." From Wikipedia. This article redirects to a CPA Advertisment for you. It pays me $17.00 per sale as a marketer. You can do the same at Maxbounty when you sign up with them. I add this to show how people make money marketing and of course to make a buck myself. I hope you enjoy my site and let me know what you think about it. Book mark and return often please. I am always adding something here for you. Sincerely Vinny B

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ladies and Gentleman,

I have stumbled upon a wonderful free application called Evernote for my new 4G Sprint EVO Telephone today and I am really excited about it. Just gotta tell you about it.

I use a site called People String to save the sites i like to go to as i work at my marketing stuff.

It has a tool to save the sites i go to and has kpt me going back to it for a very very long time.

I am obviously building a web site here for months now and have used People Strings tools to help me out alot.

I will probably still continue to use that site to access my stuff from all of my computers in the future because I have stored everything I go to there for a very long time.

But today right here I gotta say that I have found a really great place to replace where I save things I need for my marketing.

Access whatever you save from anywhere? With a Sprint EVO 4G Phone? ( for example ) Or any desk top?

Evernote works with nearly every computer, phone and mobile device out there anywhere.

Take down your inspirations and ideas as they happen

Capture interesting webpages you see, images and all

Snap photos of everything from whiteboards to wine labels

Then, find it all any time from your computer, phone, or the web!

Save passwords switch pages easily?

This tool has it all.

See Evernote here.


Vinny B


Clip to Evernote

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Get Affiliate Marketing Information for yourself

Hi Everyone!

Making a buck online is almost a false promotion anymore. My aim is to find products and services out there that really work and make a difference to your being successful.








Monday, July 4, 2011

Affiliate Marketing Info

Hi everyone

I have finally gotten some inexpressive traffic to my site. I am working on ways to get people to make it online as well as myself.

It is not easy to make it online and i have found a few tools and conversions that rank well in the industry here and hope that you check out my site to find something good for yourself.

To make it online you need tools. Check out out I have found here ...

See Affiliate Marketing Info here.


Vinny B

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Your Online Marketing Efforts - How Do You Know What

If you have the budget for both methods, it would make sense to use both Organic SEO advertising and Pay-Per-Click advertising because both have advantages. That's the problem though - paying for both can be extremely costly, especially if you want to maximize the visibility of your web site. And trying to do either one of them with a limited budget Is not a good idea at all. If you limit your spend on either, then neither will get the results you want.

So, if you have a budget for online marketing, which method is best for your site?

"Organic" Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Studies done a few years ago (but still accurate today) show that Organic SEO can give you some significant advantages that PPC advertising can't provide. Research shows that an overwhelming 70% of all searchers click on the Organic listings rather than the Sponsored - or paid - listings. That's a significant percentage of the searchers out there spending their time on organic listings.


The indications are that people trust the Organic listings much more than they do the paid listings because of the "unbiased" way that the organic result is listed. Because the Sponsored link was paid for, searchers think that they bought their way onto the higher rankings (which they did), rather than earning their ranking by being "relevant" to what people want to find.

In fact, some studies show that less than 15% of searchers trust paid results and almost 30% have been "bothered" or "annoyed" that the paid ads are even shown. Another in-depth study found that 67% of searching customers distrust paid listings. How would you like to have a searchers looking at your listing and thinking that your ad can't be trusted?

Clearly, organic listings are trusted much more than paid listings for being relevant to their search. That's one reason why one study found that, before they'll click on a paid listing, people are six (6) times more likely to click on a few of the organic listings first

Sales Value

Because organic search results are considered unbiased, the percentage of searchers who actually engage a web site is close to 18% higher on organic listings than they are on paid results. Those kinds of numbers mean sales dollars being generated as a result of organic positioning. The value of the visitors searching on organic listings, therefore, tends to be higher because the PPC searchers are sometimes considered "tire kickers," more interested in the price of a product than they are the overall value that the product will bring them.


Not everyone knows the difference between Sponsored listings and Organic listings, but the numbers are growing. In fact, about 58% of Google's users already know the difference. As the number of knowledgeable searchers grows, so will the effects on the marketplace relative to Trust, Sales Value, Bias, Costs, etc.


The costs keep going up for PPC. Over half (57%) of companies polled complained that the price for certain keywords are too expensive and that the cost doesn't justify the results. Especially during the holiday season when keyword costs can double. Compared to the relatively stable costs of organic listings expense, PPC rising costs are a definite disadvantage.

Results that last

Even though PPC campaigns tend to produce results quicker than an organic listing campaign, the work done to optimize your site for organic listing can continue to work for you until the next changes in the algorithms of the various search engines, and sometimes even longer than that. If you have a PPC marketing effort and you decide to end it, or if your budget runs out, any results you hope to gain will end as soon as your campaign ends.

Are you relevant?

Yahoo searchers said that almost 61% of the time organic results are more relevant than the paid listings. Google studies come back even higher - 72% of their users said that organic listings were more relevant to what they looked for in products or services. And relevancy is critical to search results.

Advertising Using Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

In some situations it might make good financial sense to use PPC, especially if your budget is limited and you'd like results much quicker.

Immediate Return

An organic SEO campaign can take a couple of months to see and direct results and, depending on your business, you may not want to wait that long. If your company has business that tends to be seasonal, then PPC advertising may be more of an advantage to you, especially if you usually only promote your business during certain times of the year.

Results from PPC ads are immediate and that often means more to a company than the effort of a longer-term campaign.

Easier to Understand

Being able to control a PPC campaign with your own staff is sometimes highly desirable than to hire an outside company. Because you're dealing directly with the search engines themselves - Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Engine Marketing, etc. - then you don't need another company helping with the effort. PPC is much easier to understand and it's far less complicated than Organic SEO, which makes it much easier for your own staff to control.

Also, using an SEO company that may not be as knowledgeable about search engines as you want them to be can actually cause some problems for you due to the "questionable" tactics they might use to get you noticed. Being penalized by a search engine can have far reaching affects on your marketing efforts and, ultimately, your success.

Reallocating money

Since you don't have to sign a contract for a PPC campaign that you control yourself, you're able to move your marketing budget dollars to a different program if the PPC effort isn't getting the results you'd like to have. Because it does take some to see meaningful results, most of the companies that do Organic SEO require a contract for at least six months. When your advertising money is committed for six months or longer, you don't have the option of using that money on different programs.

Usually Costs Less

PPC campaigns usually don't cost as much as an Organic SEO plans. If your advertising budget is tight, paying for specific keywords that are relevant specifically to what you sell might generate the kind of search activity that you want - people looking for more "profitable" segments of your business, as an example. If your average ticket sale tends to run higher, then you might consider a PPC effort with specific keywords rather than an Organic SEO plan that might cost a few thousand dollars a month.

The Final Tally

Again, if you can afford both marketing efforts, it would make sense to have them engaged at the same time in order to attract volumes of searchers and those looking for very specific products or services of your business. Organic SEO has obvious and distinct advantages over PPC advertising but there are definitely some situations where a PPC campaign would make more sense for your business.

Before you decide on which campaign to enlist, you should look closely at your business model to see which one would probably get the best results for you long-term. Minimizing your costs but maximizing your visibility is critical. After all, the reason you're spending money on advertising is, hopefully, to get the best results you can.

Article by:

Dan Flasco
Top Page Marketing Solutions LLC.
<a href="" class="hft-urls"></a><br/><br/><div style=font-size:7px>Author: Dan Flasco<br/><a target=_blank href=>Your Online Marketing Efforts - How Do You Know What's Best?</a></div>

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

"My Internet Inner Fire | Motivator"

Tuesday May 10th, 2011 "My Internet Inner Fire | Motivator"

I am tired and a bit spent. Not able to awaken any fire for my internet inner fire today. I am feeling that things are hopeless after being exposed to my last product purchase.

I have invested in programs and sites that are suppose to teach me how to become successful in marketing products and am in a tail spin with the last one I bought.

So I have done a review of the first program I joined for free and am seeing the list of instruction on the following topics there. 300% better than the one I paid for even!

Check out some of what is in here:

- Tips on how to increase Website sales
- Affiliate Marketing For Beginners
- Creating A Profitable Website
- Getting Greater Profits From An Opt-in List
- Getting traffic To Your website.
- A Guide To Creating Your Own Info Product
- Hot Product Ideas To Use For Creating Next Best Selling eBook
- How To Make More Money With Information products Than ever Before
- How To Get All The Free Traffic You Want
- A Hundred Dollars A day With Bum Marketing
- How To Make money Online
- How To Monetize PLR Content
- How To Sell Your Products Before you Launch
- How To Write killer Ads
- Key Ways To Keep Visitors Coming To Your Blog
- Marketing With Twitter
- Maximizing Profit With Joint Ventures
- Quick Ways To Boost Your Profits
- Search Engine Optimization 101
- Stay On Top Of The Affiliate Marketing Competition
-The Single Most Important Skill You can Learn In Marketing
- Turning PLR Products Into Cash Machines
- Unlocking The Secrets Of Search Engines
- Web Copyrighting Made Easy
- Where To Find Hot Products

This list is just a small excerpt of what you can find in this product.

Why I even went on to buy the other program I spoke of earlier I don't know.

This one always motivates me to the "Internet Inner Fire" for success I have found triggered in myself now for the past 2 years or so.
I feel it can awaken you to "Internet Inner Fire" as well so I am writing about it tonight so I can put it out in my blog online later tonight.
Oh yea ... It is free to join up with this product.
Come see the newly nick named by me "My Internet Inner Fire | Motivator" website.

To Your Internet Marketing Success

Vinny B ( Head Honcho of Affiliate Marketing Info Dot Com )

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Supra Shoe

Supra shoes for sale,buy supra skytop online
Author: standingtop

The supra shoes canada not only suitable for people in the formal cases but also can be wear as a casual shoes,it favored by many people.The Justin Bieber Supra shoes was one of the most popular shoes in the shoes industry which was famous for its excellent quality and extra comfort.The most common designing type of this brand was causal shoes that enjoys wide welcome and was hot on sale in the shoes market.When the first shoes version of this Supra Skytop shoes was published,it aroused a new and latest fashionable casual shoes strom world wide.Because the shoes combined with the dazzling colorways,the simple design elements,the prcise detail dealings and the durable material.This famous Supra shoes was not only a combination of fashion element to innovative factors but also a great mixture of simple to precise.There is not doubt that it will become one of the most popular shoes in people's mind.

Where You Can Buy The Quality Supra Shoes Published: Monday 09 May, 2011

Where you can buy the quality supra shoes?

Supra shoes is one of the hottest shoes in market, and favoured by lots of younth. In market, only very few quality discount supra shoes for selling, mostly in big supermarket, offical supra shoes website or supra b2c website like ebay, amazon, ioffer etc.

But their price is too high, for example, the 2011 supra shoes in ebay everage price is 210 us dollar, of course if you have money and can bear the cost, that's not a problem. Expert suggest why not buy from China wholesaler? buy from china have many advantages, cheap and still cheap. Some will afraid of the quality, do not worried, china wholesale pay more attantion to the shoes quality and service, that's why china good becuase more and more popular.

Now you just need pay about $80 to get a quality new supra shoes,same quality as the expensive ones, if you lucky enough, you may get some free gift from china wholesaler. Here i want to share my experience in the wholesaler about the Supra Canada Outlet shoes.

Article Source:

About the Author

I am a supra shoes seller , indeed these shoes are beautiful and confirtable, but in so low price

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Could the keys to unlock your Personal Stability be inside?

 Hi Everyone!

Could the keys to unlock your Personal Stability be inside? You will not know till you look.

A brand new system is being put together for me tonight. People who know how to put it together are doing it. Not me.

Trust in the people who can do this is maybe too great? Maybe so, but, they are putting all the bells and whistles needed to make it work into all the correct places.

And they are doing it to not one or two sites but for 20 sites!

The SEO skills they carry into the sites they are building for me are the right ones and I can finally rest assured that the sites will go to the right buyers now.

The notions I have carried for myself in finding personal stability are being born into a reality I have not been able to put in place for myself as yet.

The investment into building these twenty sites that can begin to generate thousands for me  is small to the very very large hope that it has instilled in me today.

If you can relate to this mentality and drive to find personal stability from the net then

CLICK HERE and watch the video. It was an eye opener for me.


Vinny B

Friday, April 22, 2011

A Discovery Makes Money

Can There Really Be Such A Thing As A Hot New Product?

     Still doing the Same Old Garbage To Make Online Cash?
          Can "A Little Ghost Code" Discovery Make A Differance For You?   
  Click Here To See  ... Vinny B
(C) 2011 Vinny B

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Giveaway1 | Get a Squeezepage

Hi everyone,

 I have been working on a wonderful program I am calling Giveaway1.

It's amazing how it creates squeeze pages. It has a free download package that even shows you how to use it.

I hope you find it as useful as I have.  See Giveaway1 Here


Vinny B

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Getting Online Marketing Results Now? ... Work On A Cyber advantage.

Hi everyone,

I have found an amazing system here and just want to share it all with you.

Online Marketing Results Now  

               > 10 hours training.

               > An 8 step system.

               > A Low one time investment.

               > Power Content

               > Radical Changes to internet marketing.

               > Something different from old methods.

               > A Brand new Cyber advantage?

                        See Online Marketing Results Now 

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Come see Online Marketing Results Now

Thank you for coming to my blog.

Vinny B        Make Money with your website today!     

Online Marketing Results Now