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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Commission Bot ¦ A New Marketing Platform

Hi everyone

Are you ready for a revolutionary new software platform that
is causing a lot of buzz online?

This software is 'actually' worth over
a thousand bucks so you better use this
special discount link today or you may
be too late!

I was impressed.

Vinny B

Friday, December 23, 2011

Reasons to Presell

Why you must presell
The most important thing you can do to increase your affiliate commissions is to presell properly.
First, what is preselling? Well, it is an art. And it’s also a science. The goal is to get your reader prepped to make a purchase. Then sending them to the product sales page to make the purchase. And when it’s done correctly, they don’t know it’s happening.
In a nutshell, you provide value. Then send them to the sales page. In just a minute, I’ll explain exactly how to presell. But before we do, you need to know why it’s so important. Some major benefits of this process:
Preselling creates trust – Once you have your readers’ trust, they will click your links more readily. Which obviously means you’ll make more sales.
Preselling is disarming – Nobody likes to be sold something. By not doing that to them, your reader is less defensive. This means they are more open to what you’re saying. So your content get absorbed.
It preps them to buy – Now they trust you and feel open to your message. Being open means, they are open to everything you give them. Like the info on product sales page you’ve linked to. Sending them to the sales page in this state makes them more receptive to the actual pitch.
You make more money – Now your reader arrives at the sales page in a buying mood. With the guard down and trusting your recommendation. This dramatically boosts your sales rate!
Your customers are happier – Your referral now feels like they decided to buy. Versus being pitched or convinced. So they are happier with their purchase.
It boosts your profits – Satisfied customers are less like to refund. And that translates to more commission staying in your affiliate business.
The need to presell is clear. You earn more commissions. And produce happier customers. It’s a win-win-win!
Now, here’s how preselling works:
Now you know whey preselling is critical. So, hopefully you’ve decided to start preselling. You’re ready to learn how to do it properly. Like we talked about before, it’s an art. And it’s a science.
Mastering the art
Effective preselling requires gaining your readers trust in order for them to let down their guard. This can only be accomplished by providing actual value in the information you’re presenting. But you can’t give them so much that they think they have everything they could need, and that’s what makes it an art. The idea is that they want more and the sales page you send them to gives them more. And since they’re more open, they are more likely to make a purchase.
It’s also a science
You also have to include some very specific things.
The first is how you present the information. You’ve got to map out your strategy before you start writing. Your end goal is to make a sale of the product you’re preselling. There are two ways to accomplish this with great content. The first method is to provide enough info to get them started, but not enough to finish. The second way is to provide all the information and let your reader discover how hard it is to actually implement it. Whichever method, you send them to a product website that solves the problem you just created.
Next, you have to use “convert linking” methods. Instead you link directly to the product sales page. When you do this, you’re click-throughs go way up. But how are you going to get credit for the sale, if you don’t include your affiliate link? Well, that’s part of the science of this whole process. You use an image tag to cookie your reader before they leave your site.
You also want to link to the sales page from inside your article’s content. Hyperlinked words are clicked more than anything else. And when the words are in context like this, it makes perfect sense for your reader to click them.
Putting all of this together creates a powerful affiliate marketing formula for success.
OK, here’s the not-so-good news:
It’s extremely difficult to do this correctly. Let’s talk about everything required to put this plan into action: Awesome content. The entire process depends on your being able to provide useful information to your readers. This means you have to be able to write well, and have enough knowledge to be useful. Writing to presell. First, you have to give good information. You also have to present the info in a way that provides real value. And still leave them wanting more. The other approach is to reveal a self-evident problem through the information.
Picking products. After that you have to figure out which products you want to promote. Even if you get the article written. All your efforts are wasted if you send your reader to the wrong sales letter.
Techy stuff. And finally, you need the technical know-how to embed your image tag and make sure you get credit for the sale. This is actually pretty simple – just embed a 1 pixel X 1 pixel image and set your affiliate link as the “source” of the image. (But if you mess it up, your referrals won’t be tracked.)
Wrapping it up:
Now you know what it takes to be a Presell Pro. And doing this increases your affiliate commissions by over 500%! So, start now and develop preselling content for all your affiliate promotions. Take action now. The effort it takes is well worth the benefits…

A Million Visitors Free

Who doesn’t want over a 1 million visitors free
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And this is not just any kind of traffic, it is TARGETED Traffic
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What kind of Money? Well that depends on how much
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If you have a WEBSITE, then you NEED this
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The fact is that if you miss out on these 1.4 million visitors then you
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See Million Visitors Free Here

That is all, please take my advice and get this

Vinny B

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

First – Look for Fanatics | Membership websites

First – Look for Fanatics

If you want your membership business to be profitable, you have to find a marketing with fanatics in it. What’s a fanatic? It’s someone who is so excited about a certain topic that they will spend their time and money on information about it. OK, so we know what a fanatic is, but how do we find them?
  • Look at magazine racks. This is an often overlooked, yet extremely simple way to find niches that people are interested in. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to run a print magazine. So if you see one on the shelves you know they are making money, which means that there are enough people interested in what they’re saying to make it profitable. If they can make money in a print version, you can probably make money with a membership website.
  • Watch and listen for fanatics in your daily life. Pay attention to conversations, social events, TV, restaurants, public places to see what people are talking about. If people are talking about it, they are interested in it. And that may also mean they’re willing to pay money to learn more about it.
  • Conventions, clubs, and organizations. Once again, if there are enough people interested in a topic to create a club or organization, then there are enough people to build a membership business around it. Likewise, if there are enough people to hold a convention, there are definitely enough people to fill your membership website.
  • Think about the things that you are interested in. If you’re interested in something, it’s highly likely others are, too. Making money is fun and it’s even more fun if you can do it in a niche you’re excited about.
  • Another fantastic way to discover what people are interest in is Google Trends. This service shows you the current most popular search terms. These topics are the hottest topics because lots and lots of people want information about them. Hot topics that people are excited about make great niches for your membership website.

Next – Figure out if there’s money in it

OK, so you’ve got a great idea for your niche membership business with lots of fanatics. But will they actually spend money? An easy way to determine this is to figure out if anyone else is making money in this niche.
OK, how do we figure that out?
  • First go to Google and type in the name of your niche followed by “blog” and “forum”. If there are blogs and forums related to it, that’s a good sign. This lets you know there is a market (a group of people actively interested in the niche.)
  • Check Amazon, eBay and Google Shopping to find out if others are making and selling products in your niche. If other people are creating and selling products in this niche, it means there is money to be made.
  • Watch Google Adwords for a period of time and look for ads the run again and again. Adwords ads are expensive, so people only run them repeatedly if they are profitable. And to be profitable, they have to be selling products and making money.

Step 3 – Determine ease of entry

After figuring out a good niche and determining that other people are making money in it, the last thing to do is decide if you will be able to enter the market. How do you gauge the ease of entry?
  • Product types. What kind of products are being sold in the niche? You’re looking for a niche that sells info products. Membership websites based on information are the easiest to start and maintain.
  • The next thing to look at is the competition. You don’t want to try to break into a saturated marketing, so figure out how many people are already selling in this niche.
  • Unless the market is just so big that it doesn’t matter how many competitors there are, you want to limit the competition. So evaluate the size vs. the competition.
  • Market readiness. Are people ready to buy? Are the receptive to marketing messages? Some niches are made up of people who require lots information and have a very long lead time, and some markets are filled with people who will spend lots of money right now.

In Summary

OK, now that you’ve figured out what niche you’re going to go into. Determined there is money to be made and that the competition is not too strong to break into it. You’re ready to start your membership business. If you’ve done your homework, your business will be a success because you already know your market is a profitable one with room for you. Learning how to run a membership website is a topic for another article…

Monday, December 19, 2011

Learn marketing secrets

) Learn Top Affiliate Secrets

One of the easiest and fastest way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. What “affiliate marketing” means is that you just refer visitors to someone else’s website, they handle the sales, support and billing, and you get a percentage of the sale price as your commission, which for digital products can be 50% of more. Here’s just a few benefits

1. You’re able to start right now without having to develop a product, set up a website and sales page, design the website, create marketing materials, or do support, billing and maintenance. 2. There’s no time investment from you because you don’t have to do the customer support or deal with billing or technical issues. 3. Your efforts are risk-free, because the product owner has already done all the research , development and testing. So you already know that the visitors you send will result in commissions for you.

There’s no denying that these benefits make affiliate marketing the best thing going! There is one major drawback…

After all your hard work of generating traffic to the sales page, you will never see any of those visitors again. Unfortunately, the majority of those visitors (at least 90%) will not buy on their first visit. The 10% or less that make a purchase now belong to the product owner. She can sell them additional products, but you can never sell to them again. Is there are way around this?

Simply put, you need to capture the name and email of your visitors *before* sending them to the product sales page. If you do that, you can contact them again and send them back the product website multiple times. This will increase the number of sales you make. And if you’re really on top of your game, you’ll then send to a content mini-site in between.

Here are the benefits of doing affiliate marketing like this:

1. Owning a list of potential buyers gives you the ability to market additional products at the push of a button. 2. You’ll be warming them up by providing valuable information and then casually linking to the product sales page in the context of this information.

Here’s what you’ll need to create affiliate tools like this:

1. A squeeze page, and even better a Video squeeze page. 2. At least a few pages of great content 3. An email series with at least 5 high-quality content emails

The video squeeze page is where you’ll direct your traffic instead of directly to the product sales page. It captures the name and email of your visitors and puts them into your autoresponder, which then begins sending out the 5-part email series. After subscribing them to your email list, it redirects them to your content mini-site.

The content pages provide valuable information for your visitors and make them more receptive to the sales message that you’ll link to from inside the content. And at the same time, the email series begins following up with them to get them back to the sales page, in case they don’t buy on the first visit.

There’s no doubt that it’s worth the effort to put a system like this in place, because doing so will increase your profits by 500% or more. And once it’s set up, it runs automatically – you just send visitors to the squeeze page, instead of the product website.

If you don’t have the time or expertise to set it all up yourself, you can use something like Affiliate Silver Bullet. These kinds of services will build the whole system for you and then just give you a video squeeze page (with video), pre-written emails, content pages, etc. The benefit is that it’s much less expensive then you could do it yourself, and it’s instantly set up. The drawback is that you won’t be the only one using these affiliate tools. But the internet is huge, so this shouldn’t really affect you.

Alternatively, you can use a service like Elance to “outsource” each of these compnents. Whichever way you decided to go, it’s critical to get an affiliate marketing system like this in place, if you’re at all serious about your busin